Thursday, June 4, 2015

I Realized

the only way I'm going to get things done is if I tell people. It makes me more motivated to keep working. Who feels good when they tell people they're doing stuff and end up doing nothing? I hope this inspires you to do your own thing too.

I'll tell you stories about my artwork and my adventures in the creative digital marketing world. Right now I'm studying graphic and web design online, and bouncing around west village bars. And I have some freelancing work and a part time job. Typical hipster.

So last week I was bored smoking my e cig and found a piece of ripped paper and decided that it was an acceptable canvas. Out of nowhere I wanted to draw again after a year. Really draw again. Not for a client or a wireframe. For myself. And I'll tell you exactly what these magical things mean.

It's on my computer because I live behind this screen. When I work from home I like to lay down infront of it. Or crouch on a pile of comforters since I don't have a desk chair, and get 2 leg cramps in 20 minutes.

The bigger heart is the condition of my heart. I put it back together after bad times in my life, but now it works and I'm not a wimp anymore. It feels nice. But I do know that I have to continue caring for it so it stays together, that's what the stitches mean.

The flower with leaves growing out of it is how I see myself. If I stay focused, I'll be a trap queen who can hit the bando and has the job she wants.

And the mini tornado was my PMS. When I feel it coming I retreat into chocolate and Netflix and shit talking with my best friends.

The smaller heart is the same as the big heart but less dramatic. I put myself together after I went to hell. That's all really.

And the leaves that hang all over the place mean that I see possibilities and growth in most things. I also see the bullshit, but I take the positive lesson out of situations because being a Pessimistic Potato doesn't get you far.

There is another flower but I don't know what it means to me. I'm not pleased with it actually.

So have a nice weekend hotties. I'll tell you about my weekend if it's as ridiculous as I think it will be.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Just Imagine

So I'm pretty bad at being consistent but maybe 2015 will be different. I just work too much. And then I like Netflix too much. But I've still been drawing and designing. I'm learning how to use Adobe Illustrator and InDesign in addition to Photoshop so that I can be a versatile hipster.

Which leads me to this. I was really bored one day and was looking at my cup of tea when I decided: what if it just spilled? And what if it spilled in swirly waves? And what if the tea was blue? Because maybe the tea is not just tea, maybe it's also the ocean of my emotions. But don't worry, I can only maintain that level of angst for about an hour.

Pencil. Markers. My iPhone Camera. Adobe Illustrator. In that order. 
I also like drawing exotic grass in my sketchbook. And ripping out the page. And coloring so neatly that I get marker on the next page. I was always the kid that colored outside of the lines. My 1st grade teacher would ask me not to, but I would do it anyway. Once she yelled, and then I started coloring only outside of every line, and then she gave up.

It's a place I would like to be sometimes. It's also a place that could look like this instead:

But not because of global warming. Just Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop. 

My sketchbook is actually right next to me as I type to you. And I feel like I should take it out on more dates. So for 2015 I am going to once again attempt to post every week. If I can follow through with Chipotle, I can follow through with this. Happy New Year cuties. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Covered in Glitter

Hey Hotties.

I was busy with life but I'm back. I had some artist's block and was being angsty so I was away for a while, but I came to my senses eventually. Here's what I've been doing recently:

This is how I feel sometimes. I should probably find more hobbies or more pigeons to glare at when I'm walking around the city streets. I drew a picture with children's crayons and sharpie markers, and then I used Photoshop.

I take the train a lot, so I see this all the time. Train tracks would be better if they were pink and covered in glitter. Drawing + Photoshop Layers of Flavor.

A graphic I made for an upcoming blog post that I'm writing for my social media job. It's basically about the things you shouldn't do on social media if you want your company to be cute.

Maybe you were partially entertained.
See you next week!

Monday, July 14, 2014

My NYC Showcase Adventure

Hey Hotties.
Me w/ my art at the RAW NYC Panorama Showcase, at The Cutting Room in NYC

Wanted to tell you about the art from my RAW Showcase in a way that doesn't suck. Before I get into the artwork I will say that an artist from France asked me for a french kiss, and that someone was topless in the fashion show (was intentional). Anyway, I showed 7 pieces:

"Starbucks" 2014, Mixed Media.

Drink too much coffee so I drew Starbucks, and then I thought why not spill actual coffee on it since I'm such a cool and forward-thinking hipster.

Also gave the Starbucks girl a makeover. Since I think I know what's best for her, I gave her glitter shades to complement the Topless Starbucks Hottie that she is.

Someone bought this, it didn't take long to make so I figured $20 was okay. If you like this or any of my other stuff send me an email at and I'll make one for your special self.

"Starry Eyed" 2012, Acrylic Paint.

This is a painting I made in college, when the most important thing in life was passing my exams and wearing the best outfit to a themed frat party. 

I was in love or something, and also like the colors blue and purple, so I made this for an art class assignment. No, I am not in love with this person anymore. He probably isn't reading this. If I'm wrong, nothing will happen and I will probably take another nap.

"Rose" 2014, Mixed Media

An idea I came up with when I was playing a drinking game with my sister. I decided that rose petals should be on street lamps because that's how crazy people think. 

"Bicycle" 2007-2014, Mixed Media

You may have seen this bicycle before if you've read my blog in the past. I've been adding to this collage for 30 years. Before my show I added white paint on the bottom because I was bored. Guess it looks like baby snow. 

"Swirlie" 2014, Mixed Media.
This is the final version of a swirlie I've been drawing for a few months. 
Probably the cutest it's ever going to get. 

"Underwater" 2014, Mixed Media.
The word "soul" is underwater since I think a person's true self takes time to discover and is buried under the surface like an ice berg. 

The pink boat is the Titanic's cuter sister that didn't sink and has free Happy Hour Fireball Shots at the bar. 

"The Subway" 2014, Mixed Media.
And this is the last one. I sold 4 of these because I guess people like flowers 
and the train conductor's sexy voice. I take the subway a lot
and I wanted to illustrate my experience as a freaking commuter.

So I was excited and honored to have a show in NYC and it went way better than my first one last summer. If you want to look at my artist profile from the company that ran the show, you can do that here

Next time I post here I'll share what else I draw/paint that doesn't suck.

Have a nice week and stuff. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Another World

Hey cuties.

I've been spending a lot of time getting ready for my group art show. It's in 11 days and I just ordered some lights for my work on Amazon. I'm so nervous that I'm not nervous at all. How about that.

Here are some of my works in progress:

That same damn Swirlie is in Phase 4 now. 
It's been swirling around since February...

And I've also done some more work on the rose streetlamp from last time. 
I think it's cuter now. 

First Drawing

Well, I'm going back to my pretentious studio now.
See you next week.  

Sunday, May 25, 2014

More Drawing

It's been a while since I've posted. I was busy with life and it's many miracles.

On the bright side I've been chosen for a group showcase for RAW Artists in NYC, it's on June 27th from 7pm-1am. Hundreds will be there, my manager says. You can check out my RAW Artist Profile if you want. Tickets are $15. I'll make a Facebook event.

I drew a "rose street lamp" and thought it was a
great idea for the next huge electronic thing in New York City.
Drawing with beer, then Photoshop Magic.

3 weeks and I'm still not finished with this next one.

I got so annoyed that I made it black and white. 

And this is a banner I made for a toy company.
If you want me to make things for you, my email is

I'll try my best to post each Sunday. 
Thank you for the nice emails & messages. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spring Things

Hey hotties.

In other news, I'm still blowing things up from my small sketchbook. It's soothing.
Added some duct tape to this one because, why not.
Pen, charcoal, colored pencil, duct tape. Newsprint.

The original monsters. This idea is just getting worse and worse :)

In a recent Creative Coordinator adventure, I made March Madness banners and a Social Media joke thing for the company I work for. Here are 2 of them:

If you think I'm super cool, you can email me at
and I'll make fun promotional materials for you.

See you next week!